दुनिया के नियमो को ठुकराके हम चल दिए,
उनका हाथ थामे हम उनमे ही ढल लिए,
परेशान न होना ए दोस्तों,
जिसकी चाहत थी उसीके साथ हम खिल लिये।
Rejecting the rules of the world, I walked,
Holding his hands, I became one with him,
Don't worry my friends,
I blossomed, with the one I pursued.
P.S: This is an autobiographical write up of a flower. The essence is as follows:
The flower rejects the norm of the world and becomes one with him. She tells her friends not to be worried because she finally is with someone she always wanted to be with.
Also, the flower here has been used as a metaphor.
Who is the 'him' here? I will let you choose. :)