Saturday, July 6, 2013

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I don't know if I dream every day. But, I dream regularly. I remember some of them and some, I don't. Some dreams are funny, some are weird and some incomplete. I hate it when I get incomplete dreams. They make me cranky. I always feel the urge to go back to sleep and complete such dreams and I have tried doing it a lot many times but to no avail. Now, I realise that when we get an incomplete dream, it just means that we can go ahead and choose the ending we want, because, after all, we know better than anyone else as to what we want from our dreams.

*As a part of Ultimate Blog Challenge !


  1. I agree with you on this. We can complete the endings ourselves just like the way we want. :)

    1. Yes, how else can I get married to Rahul Dravid otherwise? :D
      On a serious note, incomplete dreams are the best because we decide what the ending must be.

  2. and do you feel that you don't want to choose an ending of some insanely insane incomplete dreams?

    Have you ever experienced a dream with in a dream? :)

    1. I don't remember a dream within a dream. Now, that would be interesting. :)

  3. I wish i could remember my dreams O_O..

    1. You think of politics during sleep, so you might not get dreams. :p

  4. I remember my dreams clearly and dreams isn't the correct word. Most are nightmares. Random. Mostly.

  5. Waking up before a dream has reached a conclusion is truly unsatisfactory!!


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